CoinDesk Podcasts


One Ex-Sex Worker’s Web3 Solution to Ethical Porn Consumption

Crass Kitty, founder of adult content platform Proof of Peach, describes how Web3 tools can make porn creation and co...

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For CoinDesk’s Sin Week, “Opinionated” explores where the crypto and sex work industries intersect.

Crass Kitty joins “Opinionated” hosts Ben Schiller, Danny Nelson and Anna Baydakova to discuss the intersection of porn and crypto. Kitty’s newly launched site Proof of Peach takes advantage of Web3 tools and blockchain technology to create a more fair, safe and ethical platform for sex workers to publish their content.

I.D.E.A.S. 2022 by CoinDesk is the place to see your idea for the next big thing through – meet with leading investors, vet service providers and meet fellow visionaries. Learn more and apply to become a presenter today:

This show is produced and edited by Eleanor Pahl with additional production support and announcements by Michele Musso. Our theme song is by Elision.